Like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, I actually finished and listed something on EBAY for the first time in over 6 months. I was DETERMINED to participate in PFATT Tuesday, and I DID IT!!! Adopt, by clicking HERE
Guess who's Birthday it is???? MINE!!! A ripe ole 25, .... bwahahaha...
Have a great week!
She is wonderful sweets! Hope your birthday was great!
Happy Birthday Day To You, Happy Birthday Day To You, Happy Birthday Day Dear Christy, Happy Birthday TOOOOOOOO YOU!!!!
Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday, Christy! LOVE the new painting. :)
~ Carolee
Happy Birthday Christy... hope it was a great one!
Hey Birthday Girl!
Look at that cake! Yummy, yummy in your tummy!!! So...25 huh? OK...I'll buy that! Just be sure you play along when my birthday rolls around! Hahahahaha!
Lovey the new whimsie too! Geez really know how to suck me in ~ don't cha?
Love ya Sweets!
Hi Christy! Happy Belated Birthday!
Love your painting!
Leah -EHAG
Lookie at your skinny lil self in that birthday pic Crusty! Dang need to eat more cake! ;D
Happy Birthdya wishes to my favorite lil whimise girl!
Luv and Hugs...........Nana
Happy birthday! wish I was 25!!!!
wondered if you might be interested in a doll swap i'm hosting? check out my blog! we'd love to have you join us! check the blog, even if you dont want to play!
Happy Belated Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday !
Hope you are doing well. I haven't stopped by for awhile.
Nice Cake, hope you had a good one.
Happy Birthday, Christy! Gosh it's hard to believe you're really 25!!
Hope you had a great day!
You too huh? Mine was the 16th! Wouldn't it be great if we really could stop at 25!! LOL!!
Pop over to my blog when you get a chance...I am doing a Valentine's giveaway. :)
oh my goodness!! i love your creation! :) just randomly stopping by! i like your blog!
"Oh, I am so sorry I missed your Birthday!! "Happy belated Birthday dear one!!" Hope you had a lovely one...and if your like me, I like to celebrate all week long, or month!!
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