I have had several revelations on this journey through my parents memories and mine. As I have sifted through all my parents and grandparents belongings, I have come to a few BIG revelations. I hope to share a few of these with you in the coming weeks...God willing (I take nothing for granted anymore)
L*E*T*T*E*R*S.....My parents and my grandparents saved letters. Carefully preserved letters, documents, and cards were found everywhere. Paper seems so fragile, and yet, it can be held intact for over a century. How did mom and grandma know just what to hold onto? I know as a parent this question just drives me nuts. Now I know the answer... ANYTHING!!! Yes, that's right...Anything! Keep those simple letters of "how ya doing" from a friend or a little note from your honey or child.... 50 to 100 years from now, your children will marvel and go back in time instantly through these simple little notes. WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!!!! It's my newest challenge... Ditch Email! Write a letter or two with your own hand.... You will be happy you did, and so will your children.
Well, I hope you are still out there.... I feel so "far away" from my normal life, but I feel I am on a journey that I am suppose to be on. I just pray that I can get back to creating VERY SOON!!! I miss it and all of you so very much!!! Bless you all!
AND Happy Belated Birthday too!
It's my birthday today, lucky me...
Your blog looks great.
A belated Happy Birthday to you Christie.
I'm so sorry you've been going through so much. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
This is a beautiful post.. you will find your footing soon..you are where you need to be right now.
Hey, a little bird told me you're old...oops I mean older! Happy belated Birthday to a fellow "time traveler". It's tough my friend to rummage through the lives of those you love. Each step is a new awakening! Hang in there Christy, they would want you to! Pam
P.S. Take a sip of wine for me in Napa, sniff sniff!
I could not agree more. All the great poetry, novels and stories were written by hand. Their words still fill our minds and hearts, decades even centuries later!
Wishing you a joyful spring and the strength you will need to continue on this long and trying journey.
You're so right, Crusty.. those things are just priceless. We're taggin along on your journey.. and hope you feel the strength and love of friends now..
Hey there Christy....I just stopped by to check on you!
Hope you are doing well.
Hi Christy,
It's so funny to read this post, as I just took a trip "down memory lane" myself a couple of nights ago! I was digging through some old boxes, and found all kinds of letters, cards, etc. How fun it was to read these and reminisce!
Take care of yourself!
Hi Christy ~
What a lovely post, and I couldn't agree more. There's nothing like good, old fashioned handwritten communication, and something to be treasured in both the reading and the writing.
Hang in there....
~ Carolee
I couldn't agree more!! My most treasured things are the letters my dad wrote my mom during WWII.
Thanks for the reminder, Christy.
Hi! I added you on my blog. Check out my library where I place the lovely clock you made. Blessing always. Jenny
Hi, Christie....how true about letter writing. No one does it anymore!!
I hope you'll check out my blog--I just gave you an award for artists that inspire me! ;)
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