Sometimes we must rest, whether we believe we should or not.... Forces seem to work against you and your plans. I have spent many days in bed due to oral surgery, but it has given me some much needed time to rest. For the first time in a very long time, I've been able to have some creative and whimsical thoughts, which might be the Vicadin talking or just allowing myself to "be quiet".
I have hope that I will be able to create once again with the help of forces beyond my control. I hope you will all find some quiet moments to rest your mind, body, and spirit. Love, Christy
What a sweet photo Christy... feel better soon.
Feel better, Christy!
Enjoy your sweet, whimsy-filled dreams. :)
I hope this finds you feeling better, Christy. :)
~ Carolee
Oh sorry that you had to have this done. Rest up! Sam gave me your updae and let me know how you were doing. Here's to your continued healing.............=D
Luv Ya bunches!
OH my little Crusticles! Hope you are feeling better soon! Time to start licking the clay! Yippee!
I hope you feel better and pain free soon.
Adri :)
Feel better soon Christy!!!
I LOVE the beatiful sleeping fellow in this's wonderful.
Hi Christy..
I hope the down-time has been good for you.... sometimes we need some pretty serious excuses in order to slow down.
Happy recovery and whimsical visions!
~ Johanna
Hurry Back Crusty we miss you in Pfattland! Pam
Christy, you are so right. Sometimes we need something to happen to FORCE us to rest, and regain our spark! Hope you feel all better, and that your mind is filled with lots of creative ideas.:)
xo Lidy
OMGosh Christy---you are WONDERFUL--and very very talented---it was a nice surprise to have you stop on by---thank you so much for the kind words----X's & O's Renee
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