Such EXCITEMENT and APPRENHENSION, I am filled with today.. I finished my first piece for EBAY in a year!!! Holy Moley... It is just so hard to believe, but it's true. The opening bell will ring tonight at 6:00 PDT, so I hope you will stop by...Here is a direct link if you would like to adopt, "Your Never Too Old". and will be listing him tonight at 6;00 PDT. I hope he finds a good new home!
Tomorrow, I am taking a WORKSHOP with Lisa Kaus here in Portland. I feel like I'm packing half of my studio, but a girl's got to be prepared for everything... LOL
This is what we are making:
This is where I will be working:
Hopefully, I will finish the piece (problem when I take a workshop), and I can show you how it turned out. Talk to you in a couple of days... Big Smiles! Christy
Hi Christy- glad I'm on your email list to see this wonderful piece!!! And have fun creating!!!
I'm sure this guy will find the perfect home...very cute!
Can't wait to see what you create with Lisa.
How cute is he?...I'm sure someone's gonna bid him up in no time!...Lucky you, Lisa is one of my favorites, can't wait to see what you bring home.
He is FABULOUS Christy. Congrat's on the new ebay piece..i am sure he will do wonderfully.
How great to be taking the Lisa Kaus class..i've heard they are wonderful. Can't wait tosee your finished piece.
Take care,
Love your new ebay piece. Wonderful work!
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