It is just the strangest phenomonon.... The pieces you love the most always seem to give receive half the reception than the ones you aren't so in love with. It always perplexes me as I feel I am a person of good taste. lol
I just love this painting and hopefully someone else will... hahahahha
Click HERE to look and bid (praying and possibly begging) Until next time.
you know i love it..
and others love it too..
they are just waiting in the bushes to POUNCE on it!!!
Sam I am is so right... I've been watching this piece and I love it!!!! Your going to see everyone making a mad dash for it in the end. Really honest...because I hate to say it I'm one of the mad dashers. LOLOLOLOL :)
Hey Crusty! I'm lovin' this awesome painting of yours! Of course I love all your 'whimsies'. :0)
Awww... thanks guys... I really needed that this afternoon!
I know exactly what you mean!
I'm with theresa though, I think everyone is just'll see. :)
My mad dash ended in a big "SPLAT"! I had a power outage until this morning and I missed the end of the bidding! I wanted your painting sooooo bad! I loved it! Pam
I know where you are coming from my friend! The pieces I love, seems like nobody else does, but I love this one of yours! Miss ya sista!
Well I tried!
I know 100% where you are coming from though. I have had several of my best creations end way below what they were worth too and it is very disappointing but we just keep on keepin' on.
Create what's in your heart Crusty because you have the most sweetest and kindest one that I know.........=o)
Love her!! Christy, I just gave you a favorite blog award so give my blog a look to see the award.
How come you didnt post her on the board? I just popped into your blog and see I am too late! Dont forget us pfatties........ Pam
Man.......I Hope we don't have cooties.........hehehehe!
I LOVE THAT BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Who's feeling very lonely) =o(
Absolutely stunning work, as always. Just lovely!
LOVE this painting. Her expression is mysteriously cool!!
it's because you stay connected to those pieces you *love* X;-) ~beautiful~ work
from vicki
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