"God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
and the Wisdom to know the difference."
This prayer has gotten me through many tough moments in my life...to help me understand what I actually have "control" of, and what I do not....
This beautiful clock, I have been working on for over a month. I was on a mission to submit this Winter Fairy to Art Doll Quarterly for the June 15th deadline. This piece is the first piece that I have ever submitted..for various reasons. I was committed to do this for myself..June 13th I was suppose to ship Priority then decided I was whooped from graduation, hospital visits to dad, and it was Mom's birthday...so I will Express tomorrow.....My Dad died that night, and in my shocked, depressed stupor, I looked at this clock...my angel....my creation.....so ironically timed. What should I do? Send or keep? I thought of my Dad, and I know what he would tell me..."Honey, do your thing"....and so I did. Thank you Dad!