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Artful Gathering 2012 with CC's Whimsies


Friday, March 02, 2007

Time Flies...

Happy Friday! I love Fridays whether I have a "real job" or not! ha.ha.ha. Unbelievable things have happened since my last post, and boy, I'd like to spill, BUT until it's firm and for sure... My lips are sealed! Let's just keep this ball with Wings ROLLING!

Here are my 2 latest Clocks, "A Charmed Life", and "Tommy Top Hat". Both Clocks end this Sunday, March 4th, at approx. 4:30 EST.. My link to my auctions is at left. I hope you will come by and peek.

Anyone have children that drive you nuts? If I end up with a full head of hair by June 15th, I will be shocked! God love him, but Lord, it's just one hurdle after another. There couldn't be a sweeter kid on this Earth, but I feel like I'm working with the "Nutty Professor"... He has his Sr. Seminar project due in a month, and lets just say.. he's about 25% done.. Forgot to turn in his cap & gown form, needs to finish a STate requirement, a Choir trip, a Drama trip, and work.. Lordy, I might keel... Throwing magic dust on him and my hair! Well, here are my clocks. Have a Great weekend!


sadie pink said...

Those are the BEST clocks!

FrostingsNSparkles said...

Those are so completely wonderful!! I have four kids that drive me nuts. The oldest is 13, and I can picture him doing the same thing yours did. One day we'll miss them! (gotta keep telling ourselves that LOL)

Great pics!!


Shabby Cottage Studio said...

Talk about making your heart sing! Your talent brings me near tears, it is so fantastically imaginative and whimsical and beautiful all at the same time. I look at your work Christy and I think, now there is a true artist. I feel honored you added my link to your blog and I am reciprocating because I so love your work!

Rabbit Hill Creations said...

Hi Christy...Im loving your rabbit clock. Im kind of late for the listing. Will you be creating more of them?

Anonymous said...

Chisty, love your work.Have you done the 12 days of christmas? If so were can I find them.